Autumn Course 2022
AUTUMN COURSE 2022 - 17-29 Oct 2022

„Towards unmet clinical and educational needs at PUMS”
Dear PhD Students,
Another very important and attractive meeting is ahead of you, which simultaneously constitutes a milestone in the implementation of the National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA) STER program. Under the STER program in 2021-2023, we implement the PUMSTER project to internationalize our Doctoral School. The Interprofessional Communication Course (IPE) is part of the PUMSTER Program financed by NAWA, which has been long awaited by many of you and perfectly fits into the "unmet needs" of our Doctoral School. As part of the Course, which will be held on October 17-29 this year, we plan to strengthen not only the communication skills of PhD students cooperating in various medical disciplines but also to develop the communication skills between scientists, specialists in specific fields, and non-scientists. A particular topic is related to multidirectional activities in the fight against COVID.
The IPE Course includes 30 hours of classes, designed by Dr. Magdalena Cerbin-Koczorowska, who is well known to you from the Autumn School and classes at our University. Dr. Magdalena Cerbin-Koczorowska invited outstanding foreign and domestic speakers to conduct the course under the title "Interprofessional collaboration - Let's meet patients' needs - together". The IPE Course is unique in many aspects because, so far, it has not been possible to gather so many outstanding specialists and specialists under a common banner and fit such a complex and topical subject within 30 hours in such a comprehensive manner. There are lectures, seminars, and workshops by Dr. David Hope from the University of Edinburgh in Scotland and Dr. Jan Folkert Deinum from the University of Groningen in the Netherlands. You will surely take part in the classes of Dr. Naeem Hasan Mubarak from the University of Health Sciences in Lahore, Pakistan, and Flavia Colus, MSc, PPMI, Lithuania. The meetings scheduled for the second week will open the classes conducted by Prof. Gill Aitken from the University of Edinburgh, Scotland. The group of speakers is still expanding - we believe that guests from the Jagiellonian University and the University of Augsburg in Germany will also confirm their speeches. The IPE Course will end with practical classes dedicated to creating virtual clinical cases and will be conducted by Patryk Gawor, MSc, and Magdalena Cerbin-Koczorowska from our University.
Dear PhD Students, take advantage of this unique opportunity and the rich program of the Course.
Prof. Ewa Wender-Ożegowska, DSc, PhD, MD
Director of the Doctoral School
Invited Speakers
Professor Gill Aitken
Professor Gill Aitken holds a Personal Chair in Clinical Education, at the University of Edinburgh. She is Director of Postgraduate Education within Edinburgh Medical School and leads the online MSc Clinical Education.
Gill trained as a dietitian and her research interests focus on how learners can best be supported in their studies, and the application of these studies to the workplace.
She has a PhD in online postgraduate education and is a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.
Flavia Colus (MSc.)

Flavia Colus (MSc.) is a researcher at PPMI, where she is involved in a study on the Impact and Transformation Potential of the European Universities Initiative for DG EAC. Previously, she worked as the Accreditation Coordinator at the Accreditation Council for Entrepreneurial and Engaged Universities (ACEEU), in Germany. Flavia has a Master`s degree in Research and Innovation in Higher Education (MARIHE) issued by Tampere University (Finland) and Danube University Krems (Austria), completed with a full Erasmus Mundus Scholarship. During her studies, she interned at the Center for Higher Education Policy Studies (CHEPS) at the University of Twente (the Netherlands). Flavia also holds a Master’s degree in Science and Technology Policy from the University of Campinas (UNICAMP), in Brazil. Her thesis investigated how Brazilian public universities include community engagement in their institutional development plans. Flavia has previously interned for the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), supporting the monitoring and evaluation of UN-funded projects in Brazil. Her fields of expertise include the third mission of universities, community engagement in higher education, university rankings and quality assurance.
Dr Jan Folkert Deinum

Dr Jan Folkert Deinum is a senior educational advisor at the University of Groningen. In the past years he was responsible for the support team for online education at that university during the COVID pandemic. His research interest is on professional development of university teachers, academic leadership and Learning Analytics. Concerning the latter he is responsible for implementing Learning Analytics in his university to provide for all kinds of decision makers, from students and teachers to study advisors and senior management educational data in a manner that suits the decision making on each of these levels. Another big student data project he is responsible for is StudentLines which aims to collect data among students and alumni of different universities in the northern part of the Netherlands to enable longitudinal cohort studies by scientists and decision makers. He furthermore teaches educational leadership courses at universities in South Africa and in Poland and has been advisor to universities in Europe, Africa and Asia.
Assoc. Prof. Samuel Edelbring
Samuel Edelbring is Associate Professor in medical education and Vice dean of education at the Örebro University in Sweden. His research interest involves interprofessional learning, workplace learning and learning activities for clinical reasoning. He participated in European collaborations such as the International Medical Program at Region Östergötland (IMP), eViP and DID-ACT as well as national projects on technology-support preparing for workplace learning and nurses’ clinical reasoning in elderly care.
Patryk Gawor (MSc.)
Patryk Gawor (MSc.) is a distance learning methodologist, currently working at the E-Learning Center of the Poznan University of Medical Sciences. He is responsible for implementing solutions related to distance education at PUMS, with particular emphasis on solutions for asynchronous education. He deals with modern technologies in medical education, including tools for creating virtual patients. He is responsible both for the implementation, use and development of this modern software in the area of virtual patients, as well as for preparing the academic community to use these solutions.
Dr David Hope
Dr David Hope is a senior lecturer in medical education at the University of Edinburgh. An expert in assessment, he is currently supporting the introduction of national licensing assessment in the UK, developing new methods for investigating and reducing attainment gaps in undergraduate medical programmes, and implementing new approaches to standard-setting and quality assurance.
Prof. Andrzej A. Kononowicz
Andrzej A. Kononowicz is a professor at Jagiellonian University Medical College. He is head of the Department of Bioinformatics and Telemedicine. Graduated in computer science at University of Science and Technology (AGH) in Kraków and Technical University of Clausthal, he received a PhD in biomedical engineering and a habilitation degree in health sciences. He received a scholarship at the University of Zurich and did a two-year postdoctoral fellowship at Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm. His research focuses on application of new technologies in medical education. He participated in several European grants including eViP, Heartfaid, WAVES, BCIME, DID-ACT and iCoViP. He was involved in research on virtual patient integration and their effectiveness, clinical decision support systems with a special emphasis on clinical pathways, Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC), curriculum planning and clinical reasoning.
Dr Naeem Mubarak

Dr Naeem Mubarak is an associate professor, currently working with Lahore Medical & Dental College, University of Health Sciences, Pakistan. He holds a Master degree in cancer pharmacology from Sheffield University, UK. His PhD thesis proposed an evidence based collaborative working model specific for Malaysian healthcare system, which required a shift in public health policy. This model highlights the need of collaboration between the general physicians and the community pharmacists in Malaysia, and provides a conceptual framework for collaborative medicine management approach in chronic diseases (more specifically in asthma).
He has expertise in mixed method research, point prevalence survey, qualitative research, clinical trials and systematic reviews and meta-analyses. His areas of interest include antibiotic stewardship, public health policy and practices, pharmaceutical policy and practices, medical and pharmacy education, vaccine hesitancy, and chronic diseases management models. With a cumulative research impact factor of more than 67, he has published in national and international peer-reviewed journals.
He is an avid reader, a certified master trainer from the School of Leadership and has recently accomplished NLP certification from the USA. As part of the continuous professional development, he has accomplished twenty-seven courses and micro-credentials from internationally renowned institutions.
Małgorzata Sudacka, MD
I am at my final years of pediatric residency in University Hospital in Cracow. Taking care of children is my big passion and one of the most important tasks in my life. However, in the field of didactics I put a lot of effort on effective CR teaching. The main interest of my research is in Medical Education field – I am deeply interested in how to promote effective clinical reasoning training and I am looking for the possibilities to disseminate the teaching methods and connect them together to strengthen the effect of CR training. I am now participating in two European projects that support CR teaching ( DIDAct, ICoViP). Privately I have 3 kids and wonderful husband and I love flowers and taking care all of them( flowers and kids :) ).
Magdalena Cerbin-Koczorowska, PhD, MSc Clin Ed, FHEA
Magdalena Cerbin-Koczorowska, PhD, MSc Clin Ed, FHEA, assistant professor at the Department of Medical Education and the Head of the E-Learning Center at the Poznan University of Medical Science. Her previous scientific work was focuses on interprofessional education and collaboration among healthcare professionals. Current research activities are focused on the continuous development of medical educators as well as the role of community pharmacists in health promotion. She is a distance learning methodologist and a medical simulation instructor, appointed as an expert at the Ministry of National Education for medical vocational programs.
All participants will sign up through Autumn Course 2022 link available on PUMS Doctoral School website under the ☞ link.
Monday, 17 Oct 2022 - 15:00-18:10 - lectures postponed to Thu 17th Nov
Tuesday, 18 Oct 2022 - 15:00-18:10
Jan Folkert Deinum, PhD (University of Groningen, Netherlands)
Different aspects of leadership in higher education and medical practice
Wednesday, 19 Oct 2022 - 15:00-16:30
Naeem Hasan Mubarak, PhD (University of Health Sciences, Lahore, Pakistan)
Interprofessional collaboration between community pharmacist and general physician: current evidence and future implications
Thursday, 20 Oct 2022 - 15:00-16:30
Naeem Hasan Mubarak, PhD (University of Health Sciences, Lahore, Pakistan)
Interprofessional collaboration between community pharmacist and general physician: current evidence and future implications
Friday, 21 Oct 2022 - 15:00-18:10
Flavia Colus, MSc. (PPMI, Lithuania)
Session 1 - How do universities engage with their communities and promote social impact?
Session 2 - Engaged research: co-creating knowledge and tackling societal challenges during your PhD
Monday, 24 Oct 2022 - 15:00-19:50
Gill Aitken, Prof. (University of Edinburgh, Scotland)
Interprofessional education: theoretical basis and practical implementation strategies
Wednesday, 26 Oct 2022 - 16:40-19:50
Inga Hege (University of Augsburg, Germany)
Introduction into clinical reasoning and the DID-ACT project
Samuel Edelbring, (Örebro University, Sweden)
VIPE education & clinical reasoning
Małgorzata Sudacka (Jagiellonian University Medical College, Kraków)
Clinical reasoning teaching methods
Andrzej A. Kononowicz (Jagiellonian University Medical College, Kraków)
Virtual patients technology and integration scenarios in the context of the iCoViP project
Friday, 28 Oct 2022 - 15:00-18:10
Patryk Gawor, MSc; Magdalena Cerbin-Koczorowska, PhD (Poznan University of Medical Sciences, Poland)
How to design virtual patients cases in practice? Face-to-face workshops. During the workshop, students will complete a final task for the course
Thursday, 17 Nov 2022 - 15:00-18:10 - lectures postponed from Mon 17th Oct
David Hope, PhD (University of Edinburgh, Scotland)
Linking patient outcomes to medical education