< Cofnij

Lecture by Professor Gernot Desoye

Dear Doctoral Students,

One of the objectives of the Doctoral School is to promote internationalization as a means of enhancing the quality of education. We strive to provide you with opportunities for mobility and to broaden your horizons. Today, we invite you to attend a meeting with Professor Gernot Desoye, a world-renowned expert in reproductive biology. The meeting will be held on December 9th at 5:30 p.m. in Room A205 of the Collegium Stomatologicum.

Prof. Gernot Desoye is a biochemist associated with the Perinatal Research Laboratory, Department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, Medical University of Graz, which expresses his particular interest in the integration of clinical and basic sciences.

Prof Desoye's primary research interest lies in understanding how the placenta protects the foetus from the adverse intrauterine environment characteristic of maternal diseases, which induces inflammation leading to diabetes and obesity.

His research in recent years has focused on placental metabolism, transplacental transport, and the pro-inflammatory properties of lipoproteins, as well as the effects of insulin and IGF-2 on endothelial and trophoblast cells. Additionally, Prof Desoye has developed novel protocols for isolating endothelial cells from venous and arterial microvessels of the placenta.

The PUMS Doctoral School is honored to host Professor Desoye not only as a speaker but above all as a foreign Promoter of research works that serve as an essential part of the doctoral theses conducted at PUMS.


 We look forward to your participation in this seminar:

9.12., 5.30 p.m. in Room A 205 of the Collegium Stomatologicum.



Directorate of the UMP Doctoral School